制冷循环与热泵系统的设计是为了学习制冷工程中的传热理论。通过适当的设置,KR-115可以被模拟为制冷或热泵系统。所有的系统部件都安装在前面板上,学生可以直接观察、触摸部件,听到部件在制冷或热泵循环下运行时产生的噪音。有三个膨胀装置可供制冷剂通过;它们是压力膨胀阀、毛细管膨胀阀和热膨胀阀。学生可以使用控制面板来切换三个膨胀装置的首选膨胀路径,并比较制冷或热泵循环下的相应性能。在制冷/热泵循环的不同阶段,通过6个视镜可以清楚地观察制冷剂的状态。5个手动阀用于手动控制制冷剂流经系统的流动方向。学生必须使用阀门将制冷剂引导到合适的流动方向,以便系统能在相应的冷却/加热条件下运行。如果学生误导制冷剂流向错误,压力保护开关会检测到冲突,停止压缩机,防止系统损坏。 1. Refrigeration circulation system with capillary tube 2. Refrigeration circulation system with pressure expansion control valve 3. Refrigeration circulation system with thermal expansion control valve 4. Reverse cycle heat pump system 5. Reverse cycle heat pump system without refrigerant receiver 6. Drawing Mollier Chart 7. Calculating system performance 8. Comparison of system performance 9. Comparison of energy between cooling and heating experiments 10. Coefficient of performance (COP) and energy efficiency ratio (EER)- All system components, including condenser, compressor, evaporator, capillary tube, filter, refrigerant receiver, accumulator, hand valves, pressure gauges, expansion devices, are mounted on the front panel for direct operation and observation - Use control panel to select heat pump cycle (cooling or heating), fan speed of evaporator and condenser, and expanding path of the refrigerant - Use control box to monitor the system voltage and current as well as heat pump status. - Provide three types of expansion devices, including capillary tube, pressure expansion valve, and thermal expansion valve for refrigerant to pass through. - Provide 6 sight glasses to observe the refrigerant status before and after passing evaporator, condenser, expansion devices, and compressor. - Provide 5 hand valves to control the flowing direction of the refrigerant. - Provide high and low pressure protection switches to automatically halt the compressor when detecting wrong refrigerant flowing path. - The refrigerant path for high pressure tube is painted in red and for low pressure tube is painted in blue.