空调培训系统KR-201的主要组成部分是一个真实的窗口式空调,就像我们的日常生活。它的特别之处在于,学生可以在空调运行时观察内部部件的运行情况和制冷剂的状态。前面板上有4个制冷剂观察镜,为学生观察制冷剂通过压缩机、冷凝器、毛细管和蒸发器四个主要部件前后的状态提供了很好的机会。学生也可以使用内置的仪表或仪表绘制莫里埃图,从而了解空调的性能。结合对制冷循环不同阶段制冷剂状态的观察,KR-201帮助学生更容易、更快地了解窗式空调器的工作原理。窗式空调特点2。测量和收集实验数据3。图4。湿度表5的应用。系统性能计算—系统以前面板后实际安装的窗式空调为基准。 - The metal case of the air conditioner is replaced by plastic acrylic so that students can observe its internal structure even when it is operating. - Major components including condenser, evaporator and capillary tube of the air conditioner are extended to the front panel and covered by plastic acrylic to fit experimental needs. - Provide 4 sight glasses at front panel to observe the refrigerant status before and after passing through compressor, condenser, evaporator, and capillary tube. - Provide voltmeter and ammeter at front panel to monitor instant system power. - Provide high and low pressure gauge at front panel to monitor instant inlet/outlet pressure of the compressor. - Provide a 6-channel temperature meter located at front panel to instant display different refrigerant temperature before and after passing through compressor, condenser, evaporator, and capillary tube. - Provide a temperature meter located at the front panel to display the temperature from a moveable sensor. - A Mollier Chart is clearly printed on the front panel for quick reference.